Samstag, 17. Mai 2008

água de rosas


del color
de mis penas
de una lluvia
de cielo
que muere un juchitán...

Mittwoch, 9. Mai 2007

jade white butterfly

i laugh
walk under green sunshine
sleep naked top roof
alone look sun
alone kiss small camellia
wine and i cook spring

spring come happy long
spring gone happy short
where spring go
if somebody know
we go together

flower fresh not always here
man not always here
morning become evening under my body
morning kiss pink rainbow blue sky green sun
purple evening make love to orange horse black spider
yellow moon time blossoming heart
i see self inside big dream
outside dream beautiful lady laugh inside dream small boy cold
little green grass happy outside
small boy lying in dream
play shadow play moon play flowers
play self

three o'clock laugh four o'clock not laugh
last night sleep with clothes
tonight sleep with clothes
why i not naked sleep top roof
hot sun not laugh me
warm wine come warm tears come
idle smile idle dream pass idleness
day night skin sour
night day bones short
february flowers not smile
march pearl sick
where happy
who want sad?

after jade white butterfly lullaby
i become monarch wing
my hair black long three thousand yards
butterfly live only one day
why not live ten thousand years
i not cry
i laugh
blowing dust away
blowing whole world mournful away
one life too short
one day too long

[Walasse Ting - one cent life. & Andy Warhol -
Marilyn Monroe I love your kiss forever forever]

el laberinto

el laberinto